Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Rabbit Proof Fence - Blog Post #2

Recently many Australians have joined in the call for the Australian government to officially say sorry to indigenous Australians, that is, formally express both sorrow and regret, for the past treatment of Aboriginal people.

Create a post which uses information from the film, The Rabbit Proof Fence, to persuade reluctant Australians to say sorry to Aboriginal Australia.  Think about the images in the film and what words (language) you will use to inform people and to encourage them to take a sympathetic view of Aboriginal experiences.  Perhaps you could include some suggestions about what actions individual people could take to assist in the reconciliation process.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Rabbit Proof Fence

Describe the character of Molly and discuss whether you think she is a hero or not.  Give reasons to support your opinion.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Colonization - Ethnocentricity

Using knowledge and understanding gained from "The Rabbits" and "The First Australians" respond to the following prompt on your blog:

How did the ethnocentricity of the British and the First Australians cause conflict between the two groups?

Monday, February 21, 2011

Julius Caesar: Solo/Duet Acting

Your task:

1.    Select a passage
Your passage must be a good piece of text, one that is a key event in the play, and enables you to make use of your voice.  You can choose either a monologue to be acted individually or a part that involves one other actor to be performed with a partner. The part you select must be chosen for its dramatic quality and potential characterization NOT with the intent to shock or amuse the audience. You may dress for the part and use one prop. Memorization is not mandatory, however it is recommended. You may use a sheet to help prompt you, but do not read from it.

2.    Timing
The entire presentation (introduction and solo/duet acting) should last no less than 3 minutes and no more than 6 minutes.

3.    Provide the context
To help introduce your performance, write a statement that gives the context of the passage – the act/scene, who is present, and a brief description explaining what is happening in the passage.

4.    Reasons for passage selection
On your blog, you are required to post your passage selection with act/scene/line numbers, the context, and a statement explaining the significance of the passage. I will give you feedback on your passage selection before you begin memorizing and practicing.
* Blog posts due February 28th!


Learning Profiles

Please visit the following website for the complete learning profile prompt: Learning Profiles.

Respond to the following prompts in four separate paragraphs:

1.  I learn best when...
2.  I need to...
3.  The strategies that would help me in my learning...
4.  I would like my teachers to know this about me.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Leonardo da Vinci

Respond to the following prompt:

How can Da Vinci be characterized as a true Renaissance Man?

1.      Visit the following link to conduct additional research to help you prepare your blog posting:

*Be sure to explore the links detailing his life as a scientist, an artist and inventor.

2.  Provide an image to augment your posting.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Medici: Godfathers of the Renaissance

Consider the following prompt.  Prepare a written response and discuss your ideas via a chat room with your peers.
Some would characterize the Medici family as if they were the mafia.  Define mafia and decide whether or not the Medici can and should be described as mafioso.  Use evidence to support your argument.

Please click on the following link to access Ms. Casey's blog and determine your chat room assignment.